Danielle Hassoun

Research Expert - France - Ile-de-France - Paris


Danielle Hassoun is an obstetrician gynecologist. Was responsible for an abortion center, she collaborated in research carried out by INSERM (Unit 108 CSP) on contraceptive failures and representations of menopause. She is an expert with international NGOs to train and promote new technologies in the areas of reproductive health including medical abortion.


  • Faucher P., Hassoun D., Linet T.

    La contraception

  • Hassoun D.

    Méthodes de contraception naturelle et méthodes barrières. RPC contraception CNGOF.

    Gynécologie Obstétrique Fertilité et sénologie
  • Faucher P., Hassoun D. - 2018

    IVG médicamenteuse en ville


Media appearances