Éliane Viennot

Research Expert - France - Ile-de-France - Saint-Étienne


Eliane Viennot is professor emeritus of French literature and honorary member of the Institut universitaire de France (2003-2013). Specializing in Renaissance stateswomen, she is more broadly interested in the power relations between men and women from the angle of the French exception, and their historiographical treatment over the long term. She also strives to reconcile the French language with the use of the feminine.


  • Viennot E.

    La France, les femmes et le pouvoir. 2 Les résistances de la société (17e-18e s.)

  • Viennot E.

    Et la modernité fut masculine. La France, les femmes et le pouvoir, 3 (1789-1804)

  • Viennot E.

    L'Âge d'or de l'ordre masculin. La France, les femmes et le pouvoir, 4 (1804-1860)

    CNRS Editions