Florence Jany-Catrice

Research Expert - France - Hauts-de-France - Lille


Florence Jany-Catrice conducts her research at the Clersé (Lille Center for Economic and Sociological Studies and Research) - UMR 8019. These mainly relate to the economy of quality, particularly in the field of service economy: quality of work and employment; product quality, wealth and their measurements. Florence Jany-Catrice has published numerous articles and books.


  • Gadrey J. et Jany-Catrice F. - 2019

    l'indice des prix à la consommation (l'inflation)

    La Découverte
  • Devetter F.-X. et Jany-Catrice F., Ribault T. - 2012

    La Performance totale

    Presses universitaires du Septentrion

Media appearances