Delphine Poligné

Professional Expert - France - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - Marseille


Delphine Poligné has been supporting companies since 1998 in the areas of CSR and human development. Responsible for missions at ORSE from 2006 to 2011, she promotes best practices in CSR in Paris, Brussels and Geneva. Since 2012, she has supported companies in various subjects: diagnosis and construction of a CSR approach, extra-financial reporting, consultation of stakeholders, use of ISO 26000, awareness of managers and the rise of the sustainable development manager in his role etc.


  • Poligné D., Rambaud A., Arnaud J.-P., Busuttil T. - 2011

    RSE et gestion des ressources humaines. Piloter une stratégie RH au service de l'entreprise responsable

    Étude Les Échos
  • Poligné Delphine - 2011

    "La RSE crée de la valeur et de l’innovation pour la fonction RH"

    Le Cercle des Echos
  • Poligné D. - 2008

    Engagement des entreprises avec leurs parties prenantes
