Élisabeth Marteu

Research Expert - France - Ile-de-France


Élisabeth Marteu has a doctorate in political science from the IEP in Paris, specializing in the Middle East. Her research focuses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, political and security reconfigurations in the Levant, as well as gender and globalization issues, particularly in the context of armed conflicts.


  • Marteu E., "A Study of Relations between Palestinians in Israel and in the Occupied Territories", dans Parizot C., Latte Abdallah S. (dir.) - 2015

    Israelis and Palestinians in the Shadows of the Wall

  • Marteu E., "Bedouin Women’s Organizations in the Naqab: Civil Activism for Social Change? », dans Nasasra M., Richter S., Abu Rabia-Qweider S., Ratcliffe R. (dir.) - 2014

    The Naqab Bedouin and Colonialism. New Perspectives

  • Marteu E., Le Renard A., direction du dossier "Genre et nation : approche sociologique" - 2013

    Sociétés contemporaines

    n° 94

Media appearances

  • IISS Voices - 2016

  • Mediapart - 2016

  • Orient XXI - 2015