Mireille Essono Ebang

Research Expert - Gabon - Afrique


Mireille Essono Ebang is a professor of French, responsible for the Central Africa zone of APFA-Oi and member of CRIFPE at Laval University in Quebec. She is currently preparing a doctorate in French teaching and her thesis project concerns the training of reader-teacher subjects in secondary education. She was secretary general of UGECF, and is currently advisor to the general director of Ntsame editions and responsible for the collection to read and understand Gabonese literature. It is at the heart of the organization of the Salon du livre et des arts de Libreville.


  • Essono Ebang M. - 2011

    Lire et comprendre "Les larmes de Tsiana"

    Éditions Ntsame
  • Co-auteure - 2009

    Regards sur les grands thèmes de la littérature gabonaise

    La Doxa

Media appearances

  • Magazine Amina
