Virginie Girod

Professional Expert - France - Ile-de-France - Paris


Virginie Girod has a doctorate in history from the Sorbonne and is a sexologist trained at the Jacques Waynberg Institute of Sexology. A specialist in the history of women and sexuality, she is the author of two books published by Tallandier and by Perrin and collaborates on numerous French historical TV programs and magazines (Secrets d'Histoire, Sous les jupons de l'histoire, Historia...). Involved in the democratization of knowledge, she has also taught the history of sexuality at the Université Populaire de Caen founded by Michel Onfray for several years.

Media appearances

  • Télévision France 2 - 2017

    Secrets d'Histoire (7 épisodes)

  • Télévision Chérie 25 - 2017

    Sous les jupons de l'Histoire

  • Radio Europe 1 - 2017

    Au coeur de l'Histoire