Muriel Bigot

Professional Expert - France - Nouvelle-Aquitaine - La Rochelle


Muriel Bigot is a cardiologist, specializing in cardiac rehabilitation and heart failure, graduated in sports cardiology. His areas of expertise are prevention, heart failure, the impact of physical activity on health and therapeutic education. Passionate about the communication of health and prevention messages to the general public, and cardiac rehabilitation and sport, she has been president of the Exercise Réadaptation Sport et Prévention Group of the French Society of Cardiology since January 2020.


  • - 2016

    Effets​ ​de​ ​l’exercice​ ​physique​ ​sur​ ​les​ ​troubles​ ​respiratoires​ ​du​ ​sommeil​ ​chez​ ​les​ ​patients​ ​insuffisants cardiaques

    Médecine ​ ​ du ​ ​sommeil
  • Bigot M. - 2012

    Prise​ ​en​ ​charge​ ​globale​ ​de​ ​l’insuffisance​ ​cardiaque​ ​en​ ​réadaptation

    Annales de cardiologie et d’angéiologie

Media appearances

  • Europe 1 - 2018

    la Matinale

  • Journal Sud ouest - 2017

    Activité physique et Santé

  • RCF - 2015

    Emission Santé