Razika Adnani

Research Expert - France - Ile-de-France - Paris


Razika Adnani is a philosopher and specialist in issues related to Islam. She is a member of the Orientation Council of the Fondation de l'Islam de France, of the Scientific Council of the CEFR and Founding President of the International Philosophy Days of Algiers. She is the author of several works published by UPblisher, the dawn ... She taught Muslim thought at the Université Populaire de Caen under Michel Onfray. Engaged in the reform of Islam for a better cohabitation with the other, she contributes to many programs and newspapers (Marianne, Figaro ...)


  • Razika Adnani - 2019

    Laïcité et islam, mission possible ?

  • Razika Adnani - 2021

    Pour ne pas céder, textes et pensées

    Éditions UPblisher