Marine Parent

Civil Society Expert - France - Ile-de-France - Paris


Marine campaigns for organizations that fully unleash the potential of the women and men who compose them. Her favorite subjects: innovating in management and organization, mobilizing collective intelligence, leading change.

Founder of Oyena in 2016 (a consulting firm specializing in organizational, managerial and HR innovation topics), she is also a director of Halles Civiques, an association exploring new ways of producing public policies and revitalizing our democracy.

Media appearances

  • Giulia Reboa : «Les Avant-Premières de l'action publique doivent remettre les agents publics au centre des démarches de transformation publique» - 2020

  • Des ateliers de « débogage » pour les jeunes agents publics - 2019

  • Innovation publique : de la «consultocratie» à la transformation plus agile ? - 2019