Nathalie Sennegon- Nataf

Professional Expert - United States - France et États Unis


Nathalie is an honorary lawyer of the Paris Bar and mediator, specialist in family law, consultant, divorce strategy coach, speaker and author.

She lives between France and the United States. She is an expert in strategy in all types of separations and divorces and co-parenting assistance before during or after a separation with the main objective of the best interests of the child.
Its working method in close collaboration with psychologists and psychiatrists strengthens its expertise and reliability.
Director of the National French Chapter NADP.


  • Nathalie Sennegon-Nataf

    Guide de premiers secours pour une separation responsable

    Edition Scrineo
  • Nathalie Sennegon-Nataf

    Y’a pas que toi qui divorce

    Edition Aouva
  • Nathalie Sennegon-Nataf

    L’amour s’envole les enfants restent

    Edition Aouva

Media appearances

  • YouTube :Sennegon nataf