Céline Bessière

Research Expert - France - Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Paris


Céline Bessière is a sociologist. She is interested in the economic and legal dimensions of the family: patrimonial transmissions, marital separations, organization of domestic economies, division of labor between spouses, in a perspective that articulates social relations of gender, class, generation, race. . She has published with S. Gollac, Le genre du capital. How the family reproduces inequalities ( 2020). His other work has focused on professional independence, family businesses, particularly in the agricultural sector.


  • Bessière C. et Gollac S. - 2020

    Le genre du capital. Comment la famille reproduit les inégalités

    La découverte
  • Le collectif Onze - 2013

    Au tribunal des couples. Enquête sur des affaires familiales

    Odile Jacob
  • Céline Bessière - 2010

    De génération en génération. Arrangements de famille dans les entreprises viticoles de Cognac

    Raisons d'agir

Media appearances