Monjaret Anne

Research Expert - France - Ile-de-France - Paris


Anne Monjaret, ethnologist is research director - CNRS at IIAC (EHESS, CNRS). She is president of the Société d'Ethnologie Française (SEF) and director of publication of the journal Ethnologie française. After teaching at Paris Descartes University, she now teaches at EHESS and at Paris 13 University. Her work focuses in particular on cultures, memories and professional, feminine and urban heritage. and develops a reflection on methodological questions.


  • Gibert M.-P. et Monjaret A. - 2021

    Anthropologie du travail

    Armand Colin, coll. U
  • Anne Monjaret - 2020

    La Pin-up à l’atelier. Ethnographie d’un rapport de genre

    Créaphis Éditions
  • Granger C. et Monjaret A. (dir.), - 2020

    Bruits et chuchotements

    revue Socio-anthropologie,

Media appearances