Édith Valéry Ndjah Etolo

Research Expert - Cameroon - Yaoundé


Édith Valéry Ndjah Etolo is a sociology specialist in gender issues. She is a researcher at CERESC and has published several articles on discrimination and violence against women, power relations between men and women within couples, universities. She is also the Executive Director of the Gender and Development Research and Studies Group of the University of Yaoundé 1 (GREGED).


  • Édith Valéry Etolo - 2013

    Genre et changement de grade au Cameroun : une approche de l'invisibilité des femmes

    Pacs academica

Media appearances

  • Crtv ( Cameroun Radio and Télévision) - 2021

    La fête de la saint Valentin entre conjoints au Cameroun