Léane Alestra
Professional Expert - France - Ile-de-France - Aubervilliers
Author, media activist
Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis (Paris) - France
City of the organization
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Modification Date
2 January 2024Biography
Léane Alestra is an author, feminist activist and media activist. In the last year of a master's degree in gender studies at Paris 8, she is also the creator of a podcast and the blog Mécréantes, present on Médiapart, Facebook and Instagram. She popularizes and analyzes anti-feminist discourse from a critical point of view. Specialist in gender issues, she notably co-wrote "Our radical loves" published by the Insolentes in 2021 and wrote "Are straight men really straight?" which will be published in March 2023 by JC Lattès.
Media appearances
Le Monde - 2023
Léane Alestra, l’ex-fille des « boys clubs » qui déboulonne les masculinités
France Inter - 2023
La virilité, une norme sociale ?