Sabine Arnaud

Research Expert - Berlin


Sabine Arnaud leads a group on the construction of standards between the 17th century and the 1st world war at the MPIWG (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science). After obtaining her thesis under joint supervision (EHESS in history and civilization and at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in comparative literature), she worked as an "assistant professor" at Texas A&M, then as a researcher in several positions. in Europe.


  • Arnaud S. - 2014

    L'Invention de l’hystérie aux temps des Lumières (1670-1820)

  • Arnaud S., Jordheim H. (ed.) - 2012

    Le Corps et ses images dans l’Europe du dix-huitième siècle/The Body and its Images in Eighteenth-Century Europe

    Honoré Champion
  • Arnaud S., "De la dénomination d’une maladie à son assignation : l’hystérie et la différence sexuelle face à la pathologie entre 1750 et 1820", dans Viennot E. (ed.) - 2012

    Revisiter la querelle des femmes

    Publications de l’université de Saint-Etienne