Annie Cornet

Research Expert - Belgium - Liège


Annie Cornet has been a full professor at Hec-Ulg, a business school at the University of Liège since 1999. Holder of a doctorate and DEA in management science and a master's degree in sociology. She is a professor of HRM, organizational theory, change management, corporate social analysis. She specialized in gender studies and diversity management, applied to management by creating in 2001 the first French-speaking research center in a management school on this crossed dimension (gender and diversity). She has produced several books on these themes.


  • Cornet A. , Sem P., Mbayo M. - 2017

    La GRH en RDC : "rêver"

    L'harmattan - Ouvrage collectif Dupriez et Vanderlinden
  • Cornet A., Grodent, F. - 2016

    Les carrières des cadres : genre et générations

    Actes du congrès AGRH
  • Cornet A. - 2016

    Analyse de l'égalité F/H à l'université de Liège

    Rapport de recherche, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles