Claire Jouslin Boulard

Research Expert - France - Hauts-de-France - La Chaussée Tirancourt


Claire Boulard Jouslin is a lecturer in British civilization. She specializes in the history of women and the English press during the long eighteenth century (1660-1770). She is particularly interested in women's journalism, socialization and the education of women in the UK periodical. His field of study also includes cultural exchanges between England and France during the Enlightenment. She is currently working to assess the impact of man of letters Joseph Addison on the French Enlightenment.


  • Co-auteure - 2014

    Newssheets et feuilles volantes : Influences et transferts culturels dans les presses ‎anglaise et française, 1600-1830

    Etudes Epistemè en ligne
  • Boulard C., Lévrier A. - 2013

    La Spectatrice : « De L’Hermaphrodite à la coquette : histoire des Spectatrices française et aglaise au XVIIIe siècle »

    Presses Universitaires de Reims
  • Boulard C. - 2000

    Presse et socialisation féminine en Angleterre de 1690à 1750: Conversations à l'heure du thé
